Данный сайт прекратил свою работу и переходит в состояние архива, как результат работы команды за период 2021-2024 гг. Новые веб-ресурсы команды с 2025 г.: imh-uni.org и iampsyresearch.org
This website has been discontinued, and presents the archived material of team work during the period of 2021-2024. Follow new websites for the team work updates: imh-uni.org and iampsyresearch.org
Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Health and Science, Koya University, Expert of the Directory of Health and Safety, B.Sc. in Clinical Psychology, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq
ICERN Mentor on the issues of early carrer professionals recruitment into neuropsychiatry research and collaboration with the Global Psychiatric Association