Prof. Petr Morozov

Prof. Assen Jablensky
School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, Centre for Clinical Research in Neuropsychiatry (CCRN), University of Western Australia, Director (1995-2020), Winthrop Professor of Psychiatry, Perth, WA, Western Australia, Australia
- ICERN Mentor on the topics of schizophrenia research and cognitive endophenotypes hypotheses of schizophrenia
Our Team

Daria Smirnova
- Director, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Principal Investigator of the Innovative Neuropsychiatry Research Bank (IN-PsyReSearch) Project, Samara, Russia
- World Psychiatric Association, Evidence-based Psychiatry Section & Women’s Mental Health Section Member
- European Depression Association, National Representative of Russia
- Russian Society of Psychiatrists, Section on International Collaboration Member
- International Association of Women’s Mental Health Member
- Association of University Teachers of Psychiatry Member
- Argentinian Association of Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychiatry Section Member
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Prof. Paul Cumming
- Senior Researcher, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
- School of Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
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Prof. Florence Thibaut
- Senior Researcher, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- Paris Descartes University, University Hospital Cochin Paris, Paris, France
- INSERM U1266 Member, Institute for Psychiatry and Neurosciences
- World Psychiatric Association, Head of the Women’s Mental Health Section
- World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, Honorary President
- International Association for Women’s Mental Health, President
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Prof. Avinash DeSousa
- Senior Researcher, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- Department of Psychiatry, LokmanyaTilak Minicipal Medical College, Mumbai, India
- Founder, DeSousa Foundation
- International Faculty for UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
- International Institute of Organizational Psychological Medicine

Assoc. Prof. Xenia Gonda
- Senior Researcher, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
- New Antidepressant Target Group & Neurochemistry and Neuropsychopharmacology Research group of Semmelweis University and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Laboratory of Suicide Prevention and Research, National Institute for Psychiatry and Addictology
- World Psychiatric Association, Evidence-based Psychiatry Section & Women’s Mental Health Section Member
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Assoc. Prof. Alexey Pavlichenko
- Chief Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on Lecturing skills in psychiatry and the topics of classifications and diagnostic criteria of mental and behavioural disorders, Samara, Russia
- Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mental Health, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
- European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), Russian Delegate of the Psychiatry Section
- European Depression Association Member
- European Psychiatric Association Member
- Russian Society of Psychiatrists, Moscow Branch Member
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Marina Pavlova
- Chief Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on Mental healthcare system and Epidemiology of mental disorders, Samara, Russia
- Samara Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Deputy Chief on Organizational Issues

Mikhail Sheifer
- Chief Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- Samara Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Chief Medical Officer
- Ministry of Health of Samara Region, Chief Expert of Psychiatry
- Russian Society of Psychiatrists, Board Member

Anna Strelnik
- Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on the topic of Neuroinflammatory hypothesis of schizophrenia, Samara, Russia
- Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy, Assistant Professor
- Russian Society of Psychiatrists Member
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Youth Laboratory on Innovations in Neuropsychiatry

Arseny Gayduk
- Head of the Youth Laboratory on Innovations in Neuropsychiatry, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- The Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Department of Healthcare, Moscow, Russia

Anna Spikina
- Leading Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on Collaboration with Belarus scientific foundations, Samara, Russia
- Deputy Chief Medical Officer, St. Petersburg Psychoneurology Dispansery N2, Saint Petersburg, Russia
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Natalia Zakharova
- Leading Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Research, Samara, Russia
- The Institute of Personalized Psychiatry and Neurology, St Petersburg V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, Leading Researcher

Karina Berezhnaya
- Research Laboratory Assistant, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Viktoria Keleynova
- Research Laboratory Assistant, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
Clinical Trials’ Lab

Olga Izmailova
- Head of the Clinical Trials’ Lab, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
- Samara Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Head of the Inpatient Department
- Russian Society of Psychiatrists, Samara Region Branch Member

Oxana Chigareva
- Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on Collaboration with the Centre of Professional pathology, Samara, Russia
Laboratory of advanced IT-solutions in psychiatry and addiction medicine

Andrei Vlasov
- Leading Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
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Assoc. Prof. Timur Syunyakov
- Chief Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on Statistical Data Analysis, Samara, Russia
- Chief Coordinator on Statistical Data Analysis and Pharmacotherapy Mental Health Clinic No. 1 n.a. N.A. Alexeev of Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia
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Darya Astafeva
- Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on the topic of VR/AR technologies in neuropsychiatry, Samara, Russia
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Kseniya Bikbaeva
- Expert, PhD student, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Tatiana Ashcheulova
- Research Laboratory Assistant, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
International Advisory Board

Prof. Giuseppe Tavormina
- ICERN Mentor on the topic of depressive disorders and mixed affective states
- European Depression Association and Italian Association on Depression, General Secretary, Brussels, Belgium
- Bedfordshire Center for Mental Health Research in association with the University of Cambridge, Senior Research Fellow, Bedfordshire, UK

Prof. Subodh Dave
- ICERN Mentor on the topic of undegraduate medical edication in psychiatry
- Derbyshire Health care Foundation Trust, Undergraduate Medical Education, Deputy Director, Derby, UK
- Association of University Teachers of Psychiatry, Chair, Derby, UK
- Royal College of Psychiatrists, Trainer of the Year 2017, London, UK

Prof. Kostas N. Fountoulakis
- ICERN Mentor on the topics of social psychiatry and epidemiology
- World Health Organization Collaborative Centre for Greece, Director
- World Psychiatric Association, Zone 8 Southern Europe Representative and Head of the Evidence-based psychiatry Section
- ISNP President, Head of Cochrane Greece

Prof. Elias Mossialos
- ICERN Mentor on the MSc programs development and the topics of Public Health
- Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, Visiting Professor, Chicago, USA
- Imperial College Business School, Affiliate Professor, London, UK
- University of Copenhagen, Honorary Professor, Copenhagen, Denmark
- The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Honorary Professor, London, UK
- L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Publique, Honorary Professor, Paris, France

Prof. Domenico De Berardis
- ICERN Mentor on the peer-review journals collaboration and topics of scientific publishing
- University L’Aquila, Teramo, Italy
- Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, University of Studies G. d’Annunzio Chieti and Pescara, Chieti

Federico Rebok
- ICERN Mentor on the Latin American Research and topics of clinical psychopathology
- Emergency Service, Acute Inpatient Unit, Hospital Moyano, Unit Chief, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Argentinian Association of Psychiatrists, Head of the Clinical Psychiatry Section

Regina Nasyrova
- Chief Expert, International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Chief Coordinator on the topics of Genetics and Pharmacogenetics, Samara, Russia
- The Institute of Personalized Psychiatry and Neurology, St Petersburg V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, Scientific Director
- Russian Society of Psychiatrists, Board Member, Executive Committee Member, Chair of the Section on personalized psychiatry

Dmitrii Shapievskii
- ICERN Mentor on the VR/AR-treatment approach to Autism spectrum disorder and Advanced Technologies use in Sport medicine
- ROYGBIV Project Principle Investigator, Founder and CTO
- Yellow Initiative on VR/AR-treatment approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders Team, Technical leader
- LLC “Better Reality” Founder, Executive Director and CTO

Darya Rostam Ahmed
- ICERN Mentor on the issues of early carrer professionals recruitment into neuropsychiatry research and collaboration with the Global Psychiatric Association
- UN Agencies Consultant on Mental Health
- Global Psychiatric Association, Co-Founder
- Iraq Junior Ambassador for USERN
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