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Scopus Q1-Q2
  • Fountoulakis KN, Alias NA, Bjedov S, Fountoulakis NK, Gonda X, Hilbig J, Jakovljevic M, ´ Kulig B, Mahale G, Manafis A, Muftau M, Nadareishvili I, Navickas A, Patsali ME, Pavlichenko A, Pilaga SM, Razali S, Romanov D, Rossitza I, Salihu AS, Sinauridze A, Stoyanova M, Thosar K, Vorobjova J, Vrublevska J, Rancans E, Javed A, Theodorakis PN, Breda J and Smirnova D (2024). Students’ mental health during the pandemic: results of the observational cross-sectional COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for university Students study. Front. Psychiatry 14:1320156. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1320156 Q1

  • Fountoulakis KN, Karakatsoulis G, Abraham S, Adorjan K, Ahmed HU, Alarcón RD, Arai K, Auwal SS, Berk M, Bjedov S, Bobes J, Bobes-Bascaran T, Bourgin-Duchesnay J, Bredicean CA, Bukelskis L, Burkadze A, Cabrera Abud II, Castilla-Puentes R, Cetkovich M, Colon-Rivera H, Corral R, Cortez-Vergara C, Crepin P, De Berardis D, Zamora Delgado S, Lucena D, Sousa A, Stefano RD, Dodd S, Priyanka Elek L, Elissa A, Erdelyi-Hamza B, Erzin G, Etchevers MJ, Falkai P, Farcas A, Fedotov I, Filatova V, Fountoulakis NK, Frankova I, Franza F, Frias P, Galako T, Garay CJ, Garcia-Álvarez L, García-Portilla MP, Gonda X, Gondek TM, Morera González D, Gould H, Grandinetti P, Grau A, Groudeva V, Hagin M, Harada T, Hasan TM, Azreen Hashim N, Hilbig J, Hossain S, Iakimova R, Ibrahim M, Iftene F, Ignatenko Y, Irarrazaval M, Ismail Z, Ismayilova J, Jakobs A, Jakovljević M, Jakšić N, Javed A, Kafali HY, Karia S, Kazakova O, Khalifa D, Khaustova O, Koh S, Kopishinskaia S, Kosenko K, Koupidis SA, Kovacs I, Kulig B, Lalljee A, Liewig J, Majid A, Malashonkova E, Malik K, Malik NI, Mammadzada G, Mandalia B, Marazziti D, Marčinko D, Martinez S, Matiekus E, Mejia G, Memon RS, Meza Martínez XE, Mickevičiūtė D, Milev R, Mohammed M, Molina-López A, Morozov P, Muhammad NS, Mustač F, Naor MS, Nassieb A, Navickas A, Okasha T, Pandova M, Panfil AL, Panteleeva L, Papava I, Patsali ME, Pavlichenko A, Pejuskovic B, Pinto Da Costa M, Popkov M, Popovic D, Raduan NJN, Vargas Ramírez F, Rancans E, Razali S, Rebok F, Rewekant A, Ninoska Reyes Flores E, Rivera-Encinas MT, Saiz P, Sánchez de Carmona M, Saucedo Martínez D, Saw JA, Saygili G, Schneidereit P, Shah B, Shirasaka T, Silagadze K, Sitanggang S, Skugarevsky O, Spikina A, Mahalingappa SS, Stoyanova M, Szczegielniak A, Tamasan SC, Tavormina G, Tavormina MGM, Theodorakis PN, Tohen M, Tsapakis EM, Tukhvatullina D, Ullah I, Vaidya R, Vega-Dienstmaier JM, Vrublevska J, Vukovic O, Vysotska O, Widiasih N, Yashikhina A, Prezerakos PE, Smirnova D. Somatic multi-comorbidity and disability in patients with psychiatric disorders in comparison to the general population: a quasi-epidemiological investigation in 54,826 subjects from 40 countries (COMET-G study). CNS Spectr. 2024 Jan 25:1-50. doi: 10.1017/S1092852924000026. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38269574. Q1

  • Fountoulakis KN, Vrublevska J, Abraham S, Adorjan K, Ahmed HU, Alarcón RD, Arai K, Auwal SS, Berk M, Bjedov S, Bobes J, Bobes-Bascaran T, Bourgin-Duchesnay J, Bredicean CA, Bukelskis L, Burkadze A, Abud IIC, Castilla-Puentes R, Cetkovich M, Colon-Rivera H, Corral R, Cortez-Vergara C, Crepin P, De Berardis D, Delgado SZ, De Lucena D, De Sousa A, Di Stefano R, Dodd S, Elek LP, Elissa A, Erdelyi-Hamza B, Erzin G, Etchevers MJ, Falkai P, Farcas A, Fedotov I, Filatova V, Fountoulakis NK, Frankova I, Franza F, Frias P, Galako T, Garay CJ, Garcia-Álvarez L, García-Portilla MP, Gonda X, Gondek TM, González DM, Gould H, Grandinetti P, Grau A, Groudeva V, Hagin M, Harada T, Hasan TM, Hashim NA, Hilbig J, Hossain S, Iakimova R, Ibrahim M, Iftene F, Ignatenko Y, Irarrazaval M, Ismail Z, Ismayilova J, Jacobs A, Jakovljević M, Jakšić N, Javed A, Kafali HY, Karia S, Kazakova O, Khalifa D, Khaustova O, Koh S, Kosenko K, Koupidis SA, Lalljee A, Liewig J, Majid A, Malashonkova E, Malik K, Malik NI, Mammadzada G, Mandalia B, Marazziti D, Marčinko D, Martinez S, Matiekus E, Mejia G, Memon RS, Martínez XEM, Mickevičiūtė D, Milev R, Mohammed M, Molina-López A, Morozov P, Muhammad NS, Mustač F, Naor MS, Nassieb A, Navickas A, Okasha T, Pandova M, Panfil AL, Panteleeva L, Papava I, Patsali ME, Pavlichenko A, Pejuskovic B, Da Costa MP, Popkov M, Popovic D, Raduan NJN, Ramírez FV, Rancans E, Razali S, Rebok F, Rewekant A, Flores ENR, Rivera-Encinas MT, Saiz P, de Carmona MS, Martínez DS, Saw JA, Saygili G, Schneidereit P, Shah B, Shirasaka T, Silagadze K, Sitanggang S, Skugarevsky O, Spikina A, Mahalingappa SS, Stoyanova M, Szczegielniak A, Tamasan SC, Tavormina G, Tavormina MGM, Theodorakis PN, Tohen M, Tsapakis EM, Tukhvatullina D, Ullah I, Vaidya R, Vega-Dienstmaier JM, Vukovic O, Vysotska O, Widiasih N, Yashikhina A, Smirnova D. Non-binary gender, vulnerable populations and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for the general population (COMET-G) study. J Affect Disord. 2024 Feb 19:S0165-0327(24)00359-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.02.050. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38382816. Q1

  • Shnayder, N.A.; Grechkina, V.V.; Trefilova, V.V.; Kissin, M.Y.; Narodova, E.A.; Petrova, M.M.; Al-Zamil, M.; Garganeeva, N.P.; Nasyrova, R.F. Ethnic Aspects of Valproic Acid P-Oxidation. Biomedicines 2024, 12, 1036. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12051036 Scopus Q1

  • Martinotti G, Fornaro M, De Berardis D. Editorial: Comorbidity in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, volume III. Front Psychiatry. 2024 Jan 9;14:1356817. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1356817. PMID: 38264638; PMCID: PMC10803546. Q1

Scopus Q3-Q4
  • Shirolapov IV, Zakharov AV, Smirnova DA, Lyamin AV, Gayduk AYa. The Role of the Glymphatic Clearance System in the Mechanisms of the Interactions of the Sleep–Waking Cycle and the Development of Neurodegenerative Processes. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2024. Vol.54, №2, doi: 10.1007/s11055-024-01585-y

  • Smirnova D., Sloeva E. , Kuvshinova N., Cumming P. & Nosachev G.  Psycholinguistic patterns of depression: we should listen to what our patients want to tell us. Abstracts. – Congress with international participation “Multidimensional approach to treatment of psychiatric disorders”, March 27-28th, 2024. – Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; Vol. 36, Suppl. 1, p. 39.

  • Медведев А.Д., Павличенко А.В., Трущелёв С.А. и др. Депрессивные расстройства: эпидемиология, бремя болезни и медико-социальная характеристика пациентов // Российский психиатрический журнал. 2023. № 6. С. 76–86. doi: 10.34757/1560-957X.2023.27.6.009 Scopus Q4

  • Sheyfer MS, Paloyko EG, Gayduk AJ, Vlasov YV, Syunyakov TS, Smirnova DA. Klinicheskoe nablyudenie anti-NMDA-retseptornogo entsefalita, protekayushchego s psikhicheskimi narusheniyami [A case report of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis with mental disturbances manifestation]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2024;124(5):142-144. Russian. doi: 10.17116/jnevro2024124051142. PMID: 38884442. Scopus Q4

  • Бравве Л.В., Мамедова Г.Ш., Кайдан М.А., Морозов В.Ф., Карташов С.И., Заборин А.С., Захарова Н.В. Магнитно-резонансная томография в исследовании кататонии: применение диффузионной МРТ и функциональной МРТ в состоянии покоя. ПСИХИАТРИЯ. 2024;22(2):66-77. doi: 10.30629/2618-6667-2024-22-2-66-77 Scopus Q4

Publications in russian
Computer programs (codes and algorythms), Software and Mobile apps patented and protected via Intellectual Properties Rights (registered with Rospatent)
  • Certificate of state registration of a computer program N 2024616880 Russian Federation. “Computer calculator for early detection of suicidal risk in general population” based on the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS): N 2024615080: application 03/13/2024: published 03.26.2024 / D.A. Smirnova, T.S. Syunyakov, A.A. Yashikhina, A.Ya. Gayduk, A.L. Vlasov & D.S. Astafeva; applicant Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


Scopus Q1-Q2
  • Morgado P, Gonda X, Smirnova D, Fountoulakis KN. Editorial: COVID-19 pandemic: Mental health, life habit changes and social phenomena. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:1105667. Published 2022 Dec 15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1105667 Q1

  • Ikonnikova A, Morozova A, Antonova O, Ochneva A, Fedoseeva E, Abramova O, Emelyanova M, Filippova M, Morozova I, Zorkina Y, et al. Evaluation of the Polygenic Risk Score for Alzheimer’s Disease in Russian Patients with Dementia Using a Low-Density Hydrogel Oligonucleotide Microarray. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(19):14765. doi: 10.3390/ijms241914765 Q1

  • Shnayder NA, Grechkina VV, Trefilova VV, Efremov IS, Dontceva EA, Narodova EA, Petrova MM, Soloveva IA, Tepnadze LE, Reznichenko PA, Al-Zamil M, Altynbekova GI, Strelnik AI, Nasyrova RF. Valproate-Induced Metabolic Syndrome. Biomedicines. 2023; 11(5):1499. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11051499 Q1

  • Gonda, X.; Serafini, G.; Dome, P. Fight the Fire: Association of Cytokine Genomic Markers and Suicidal Behavior May Pave the Way for Future Therapies. J. Pers. Med. 2023, 13, 1078. doi: 10.3390/jpm13071078 Q2

  • Fountoulakis KN, Karakatsoulis G, Abraham S, Adorjan K, Ahmed HU, Alarcón RD, Arai K, Auwal SS, Bobes J, Bobes-Bascaran T, Bourgin-Duchesnay J, Bredicean CA, Bukelskis L, Burkadze A, Cabrera Abud II, Castilla-Puentes R, Cetkovich M, Colon-Rivera H, Corral R, Cortez-Vergara C, Crepin P, de Berardis D, Zamora Delgado S, de Lucena D, de Sousa A, di Stefano R, Dodd S, Elek LP, Elissa A, Erdelyi-Hamza B, Erzin G, Etchevers MJ, Falkai P, Farcas A, Fedotov I, Filatova V, Fountoulakis NK, Frankova I, Franza F, Frias P, Galako T, Garay CJ, Garcia-Álvarez L, García-Portilla P, Gonda X, Gondek TM, Morera González D, Gould H, Grandinetti P, Grau A, Groudeva V, Hagin M, Harada T, Hasan TM, Azreen Hashim N, Hilbig J, Hossain S, Iakimova R, Ibrahim M, Iftene F, Ignatenko Y, Irarrazaval M, Ismail Z, Ismayilova J, Jacobs A, Jakovljević M, Jakšić N, Javed A, Yilmaz Kafali H, Karia S, Kazakova O, Khalifa D, Khaustova O, Koh S, Kopishinskaia S, Kosenko K, Koupidis SA, Kovacs I, Kulig B, Lalljee A, Liewig J, Majid A, Malashonkova E, Malik K, Iqbal Malik N, Mammadzada G, Mandalia B, Marazziti D, Marčinko D, Martinez S, Matiekus E, Mejia G, Memon RS, Meza Martínez XE, Mickevičiūtė D, Milev R, Mohammed M, Molina-López A, Morozov P, Muhammad NS, Mustač F, Naor MS, Nassieb A, Navickas A, Okasha T, Pandova M, Panfil AL, Panteleeva L, Papava I, Patsali ME, Pavlichenko A, Pejuskovic B, Pinto da Costa M, Popkov M, Popovic D, Raduan NJN, Vargas Ramírez F, Rancans E, Razali S, Rebok F, Rewekant A, Reyes Flores EN, Rivera-Encinas MT, Saiz PA, Sánchez de Carmona M, Saucedo Martínez D, Saw JA, Saygili G, Schneidereit P, Shah B, Shirasaka T, Silagadze K, Sitanggang S, Skugarevsky O, Spikina A, Mahalingappa SS, Stoyanova M, Szczegielniak A, Tamasan SC, Tavormina G, Tavormina MGM, Theodorakis PN, Tohen M, Tsapakis EM, Tukhvatullina D, Ullah I, Vaidya R, Vega-Dienstmaier JM, Vrublevska J, Vukovic O, Vysotska O, Widiasih N, Yashikhina A, Prezerakos PE, Berk M, Levaj S, Smirnova D. Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the health professionals (COMET-HP) study: depression, suicidal tendencies and conspiracism. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2023 Mar 3:1–24. doi: 10.1007/s00127-023-02438-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36867224; PMCID: PMC9982799. Q1

  • Malyutina, S., Zabolotskaia, A., Savilov, V., Syunyakov, T., Kurmyshev, M., Kurmysheva, E., Lobanova, I., Osipova, N., Karpenko, O., & Andriushchenko, A. (2023). Are subjective language complaints in memory clinic patients informative? Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn, 1-28. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2023.2270209 Q2

  • Balberova OV, Shnayder NA, Bykov EV, Zakaryukin YE, Petrova MM, Soloveva IA, Narodova EA, Chumakova GA, Al-Zamil M, Asadullin AR, et al. Association of the ACTN3 Gene’s Single-Nucleotide Variant Rs1815739 (R577X) with Sports Qualification and Competitive Distance in Caucasian Athletes of the Southern Urals. Genes. 2023; 14(8):1512. doi: 10.3390/genes14081512 Q1

  • Abramova O, Zorkina Y, Ushakova V, Gryadunov D, Ikonnikova A, Fedoseeva E, et al. Alteration of Blood Immune Biomarkers in MCI Patients with Different APOE Genotypes after Cognitive Training: A 1 Year Follow-Up Cohort Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2023;24(17). doi: 10.3390/ijms241713395. Q1

  • Nasyrova R.F., Shnayder N.A., Osipova S.M., Khasanova A.K., Efremov I.S., Al-Zamil M., Petrova M.M., Narodova E.A., Garganeeva N.P., Shipulin G.A. Genetic Predictors of Antipsychotic Efflux Impairment via Blood-Brain Barrier: Role of Transport Proteins // Genes. 2023. Vol.14, №1085. P. 1-40. ИФ WOS: 4.096 WOSCCWOS Q2SCIMAGO (Scopus) doi: 10.3390/genes14051085 Q2

  • Shnayder N.A., Ashkhotov A.V., Trefilova V.V., Nurgaliev Z.A., Novitsky M.A., Petrova M.M., Narodova E.A., Al-Zamil M., Chumakova G.A., Garganeeva N.P., Nasyrova R.F. Molecular Basic of Pharmacotherapy of Cytokine Imbalance as a Component of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Treatment // International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI). 2023. Vol.24. №7692. P.1-55. ИФ WOS: 5.924 WOSCCWOS Q1SCIMAGO (Scopus) doi: 10.3390/ijms24097692 Q1

  • Malyutina, S., Zabolotskaia, A., Savilov, V., Syunyakov, T., Kurmyshev, M., Kurmysheva, E., Lobanova, I., Osipova, N., Karpenko, O., & Andriushchenko, A. (2023). Are subjective language complaints in memory clinic patients informative? Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn, 1-28. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2023.2270209 Q2

  • De Berardis D, Martinotti G. Rethinking ‘Innovation’ in Psychiatry with Older and Newer Treatments: From Bench to Benchside. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2023;21(11):2176-2177. doi: 10.2174/1570159X2111230804161745 Q1

  • Bach P, de Timary P, Gründer G, Cumming P. Molecular Imaging Studies of Alcohol Use Disorder. Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2023 Jan 14. doi: 10.1007/7854_2022_414. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36639552. Q1

  • Gonda X, Serafini G, Dome P. Fight the Fire: Association of Cytokine Genomic Markers and Suicidal Behavior May Pave the Way for Future Therapies. J Pers Med. 2023 Jun 29;13(7):1078. doi: 10.3390/jpm13071078. PMID: 37511694; PMCID: PMC10381806. Q1

  • De Berardis D, Martinotti G. Rethinking ‘Innovation’ in Psychiatry with Older and Newer Treatments: From Bench to Benchside. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2023;21(11):2176-2177. doi: 10.2174/1570159X2111230804161745. PMID: 37681661; PMCID: PMC10556382. Q1

Scopus book chapters
  • Razali, S., Tukhvatullina, D., & Smirnova, D. (2023). Comprehensive Management of Violence Against Women: Putting WHO Recommendations Into Practice. In: Handbook on Optimizing Patient Care in Psychiatry. Eds. by A. Shrivastava, A. De Sousa, N. Shah. New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. pp. 65-78. doi: 10.4324/9780429030260-8 Scopus, book chapter

  • Kopishinskaia, S., Korotysh, M., Svetozarskii, S., Sherman, M., Velichko, I., Cumming, P., & Smirnova, D. (2023). Huntington’s Disease as a Multi-System Disorder: Current “Must Know” for Better Patient Management. In: Handbook on Optimizing Patient Care in Psychiatry. Eds. by A. Shrivastava, A. De Sousa, N. Shah. New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. pp. 137-147. doi: 10.4324/9780429030260-15 Scopus, book chapter

  • Krupitsky, E., Akhmetova, E., Tukhvatullina, D., Smirnova, D., Cumming, P., & Asadullin, A. (2023). Optimising Patient Care–Pharmacogenetics in the Management of Addictions. In: Handbook on Optimizing Patient Care in Psychiatry. Eds. by A. Shrivastava, A. De Sousa, N. Shah. New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. pp. 155-168. doi: 10.4324/9780429030260-18 Scopus, book chapter

  • Vasileva, A., Syunyakov, T., Sorokin, M., Kulygina, M., Karavaeva, T., Karpenko, O., Yakovlev, A., Zubova, E., Smirnova, D. & Andrushchenko, A. (2023). Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being of the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia. In: Shankardass, M.K. (eds) Handbook on COVID-19 Pandemic and Older Persons. Springer, Singapore. pp. 241-256. (First Online: 23 June 2023) doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-1467-8_16 Scopus, book chapter

Scopus Q3-Q4
  • Razali S, Hashim NA, Anne SJ, Raduan NJN, Tukhvatullina D, Smirnova D, Fountoulakis KN. Changes in the pattern of eating habit and physical activity during the pandemic of COVID-19 in Malaysia:data from COMET-G international multi-country study. J Public Hlth Dev. 2023;21(1):161-173 doi: 10.55131/jphd/2023/210112 (Q4, Health Informatics)

  • Nayak A, Behera R, Karia S, Smirnova D, & Desousa A. (2023). Retrospective Chart Analysis of Sexual Assault Victims Referred to Psychiatry OPD. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(1), 87–92. doi: 10.37506/ijfmt.v17i1.18900 Q4

  • Vorobjova J, Pîlâga SM, Gustsone BE, Rancâns E, Smirnova D, Fountoulakis KN, & Vrublevska J. Prevalence of distress and depression and related health and behavioural factors in the student population of Latvia during the COVID-19 outbreak. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, Vol. 77 (2023), No. 1 (742):15–23. doi: 10.2478/prolas-2023-0002 Q4

  • Reznik A., Syunyakov T., Mudrak A., Zakharov N., Popova Zh., Khoroshilova A., Khurbatova I., Saifulina A., Eliseenko A., Matvievskaya T., Khannanova A. Dynamics of depression and psychosocial functioning of patients with schizophrenia in the period of formation of remission receiving combination therapy with vortioxetine and second generation antipsychotics (interim data analysis). Consortium Psychiatricum, 2023, 4(1), pp. 18-36 (accepted/ in press) doi: 10.17816/CP3728 Q4

  • Широлапов И.В., Захаров А.В., Смирнова Д.А., Лямин А.В., Гайдук А.Я. Роль глимфатического клиренса в механизмах взаимосвязи цикла «сон—бодрствование» и развития нейродегенеративных процессов. Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2023;123(9):31–36. doi: 10.17116/jnevro202312309131 Q4

  • Широлапов И.В., Захаров А.В., Булгакова С.В., Куликовских И.М., Павлова О.Н., Лямин А.В., Смирнова Д.А., Хивинцева Е.В. Деменция альцгеймеровского типа как следствие нарушений в глимфатической системе мозга. Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология. 2023; том 14, № 3:291-300; doi: 10.34883/PI.2023.14.3.004 Q4

  • Стрельник А.И., Стрельник С.Н., Маркина Е.А., Гайдук А.Я., Павличенко А.В., Смирнова Д.А. Применение метода транскраниальной магнитной стимуляции для терапии когнитивных дисфункций при биполярной депрессии // Российский психиатрический журнал. 2023. №1. С. 91-101. Q4

  • Астафьева Д.С., Власов Я.В., Стрельник А.И., Чигарева О.В., Маркина Е.А., Шишковская Т.И., Смирнова Д.А., Гайдук А.Я. Ритмическая транскраниальная магнитная стимуляция в терапии нейропатической боли, сопровождающейся коморбидной депрессией: обзор эффективных параметров лечебных протоколов. Нервно-мышечные болезни. 2023;13(2):20-30. doi: 10.17650/2222-8721-2023-13-2-20-30 Q4

  • Chigareva O, Astafeva D, Smirnova D, … Gayduk A. Comparing the anti-depressive effect of electroconvulsive therapy versus transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of patients with depression: a systematic review. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):48-55 PMID: 37800203 Scopus Q3

  • Astafeva D, Gayduk A, Tavormina G, Syunyakov T, Chigareva O, Bikbaeva K, Markina E, Vlasov A, Yashikhina A, Zhovnerchuk E, Kolsanov A, Smirnova D. Neuronetwork approach in the early diagnosis of depression. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):77-85 Scopus PMID: 37800207 Q3

  • Gadelshina D, Syunyakov T, Gayduk AJ, Borisova O, Kuvshinova N, Borisova N, Gorbachev D, Gonda X, DeSousa A, Yashikhina A, Vlasov A, Sheyfer M, Kolsanov A & Smirnova D:. Post-COVID neuropsychiatric complications in children and adolescents: a study design on the early diagnosis and treatments using innovative technologies. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2) : 256-262 Scopus Q3

  • Kuznetsov A, Kokorev D, Sustretov A, Chigareva O, Astafeva D, Kolsanov A, … Gayduk A. Genetic contributors to PTSD: the role of snvs, gene interactions and haplotypes for developing ptsd prevention measures. a comprehensive review. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):141-149 Scopus Q3

  • Gayduk AJ, Syunyakov T, Gazheva AV, Strelnik A, Chigareva O, Kuznetsov A, Kokorev D, Sustretov A, Cumming P, Vlasov YaV. Neurological and psychiatric aspects of biological markers for the provision of medical care to patients with spinal muscular atrophy 5Q. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):322-328 Scopus Q3

  • Germanova OA, Germanov AV, Gradinar A, Chigareva O, Galati G. Ischemic stroke in patients with extrasystolic arrhythmia: case series. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):402-407 Scopus Q3

  • Strelnik S, Strelnik A, Astafeva D & Romanov D. Chronobiological predictors of depression relapse: for prognostic model development – a systematic review. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):56-65 Scopus Q3

  • Smirnova D, Vlasov A, Yashikhina A, Astafeva D, Pavlichenko A, Syunyakov T & Tavormina G. G.T. MSRS on-line calculator targeting the early diagnosis of mixed affective states: the multicenter study project design on the approbation and validity of the three language versions of the rating scale. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):86-93 Scopus Q3

  • Astafeva D, Gonda X, Ossina N, Volova L, Sheyfer M, Strelnik A, Lyamin A, Ashurov Z, Syunyakov T & Smirnova D. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell-related biomarkers in schizophrenia. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):114-122 Scopus Q3

  • Strelnik AI, Sheyfer MS, Izmailova OV, Zhuravlev NM, Otmakhov AP, Nasyrova RF. Carriage of Non-Functional Allelic Variant T (rs2069522) of the CYP1A2 Gene in a Patient with Recurrent Depressive Disorder and Therapy Resistance – Clinical Case. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):387-390 Scopus Q3

  • Syunyakov T, Zorkina Y, Ochneva A, Abramova O, Savenkova V, Alekseeva P, Shchelkanova I, Goncharova A, Alekseenko I, Karpenko O, Kostyuk G & Morozova A. Comparison of anxiety and depression rates in Russian health care professionals in 2020 and 2023. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):296-301 Scopus Q3

  • Patigny OA, Fedorina M, Davydkin IL, Markina E, Izmailova O & Galati G. Perceived psychological well-being in patients with hemodynamically insignificant carotid arteries stenosis. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):313-317 PMID: 37800247 Scopus Q3

  • Germanova OA, Vukolova YY, Strelnik AI, Izmailova OV, Gubareva IV, Galati G. Application of SF-36 Health Status Survey in Patients with Arterial Hypertension. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):328-321 Scopus Q3

  • Yashikhina A, Gradinar A & Abashkina A. Social distance factor related to the level of mental health awareness among the clinicians. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):347-352 Scopus Q3

  • Shirolapov I, Zakharov A, Smirnova D, Khivintseva E & Sergeeva M. Aging brain, dementia and impaired glymphatic pathway: causal relationships. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):236-244 Scopus Q3

  • Vorobjova J, Pilaga SM, Mikelsone M, Rancans E, Smirnova D, Fountoulakis KN & Vrublevska J. Beliefs in conspiracy theories and mental health in student community of Latvia during the COVID-19 outbreak. Psychiatria Danubina. 2023; 35(2):271-281 Scopus Q3

  • Сюняков Т.С., Захаров А.В., Гайдук А.Я., Игнатенко Ю.С., Кувшинова Н.Ю., Павличенко А.В., Спикина А.А., Федотов И.А., Яшихина А.А., Гонда К., Десауза А., Фунтулакис К.Н., Смирнова Д.А. Изменения режима сна и потребление информации с негативным контентом в интернете («думскроллинг», «думсерфинг») как управляемые факторы риска развития тревоги в условиях стресса пандемии COVID-19. Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2023;123(10):88 96. Scopus Q4

  • Широлапов И.В., Захаров А.В., Смирнова Д.А., Лямин А.В., Гайдук А.Я. Роль глимфатического клиренса в механизмах взаимосвязи цикла «сон—бодрствование» и развития нейродегенеративных процессов. Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2023;123(9):31–36. doi: 10.17116/jnevro202312309131 Scopus Q4

  • Syunyakov T, Khayredinova I, Ashurov Z. The Role of Family, Microsocial and Medical History in The Shaping of Trajectories of Complex Opioid and Cannabis Addiction: Results of Machine Learning Modeling. Personalized psychiatry and neurology 2023; 3(2), 120-133. doi: 10.52667/2712-9179-2023-3-2-120-133 Q4

Computer programs (codes and algorythms), Software and Mobile apps patented and protected via Intellectual Properties Rights (registered with Rospatent)
  • Smirnova, D., Yashikhina A., Gayduk, A., Vlasov A., Astafeva, D. (2023) PC program “Multilingual PC on-line calculator for early diagnosis of the mixed affective states” based the Giuseppe Tavormina Mixed States Rating Scale (G.T. MSRS) (Russian, English, Italian language versions of the program) – © Tavormina G. – Psychiatria Danubina 2014; 26 (supp 1), 6-9; PC program created by Samara State Medical University; Programming language: JavaScript, OS: Windows, Linux, MacOs, Android, iOS; 677 Kb; Application form number 2023664213, Application date: 06.07.2023; Registration number 2023665746, Registration Date 19.07.2023, Bulletin of the Federal Serviсe of Intellectual Properties №7, 19.07.2023. PMID: 37800208


Scopus Q1-Q2
  • Nadareishvili I, Syunyakov T, Smirnova D, et al. University students’ mental health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Georgia. Int J Soc Psychiatry. Aug 2022;68(5):1036-1046. doi: 10.1177/00207640221099420 Q2

  • Fountoulakis KN, Karakatsoulis GN, Abraham S, et al. The effect of different degrees of lockdown and self-identified gender on anxiety, depression and suicidality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the international COMET-G study. Psychiatry research. Sep 2022;315:114702. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114702 Q1

  • Malandain L, Fountoulakis KN, Syunyakov T, Malashonkova E, Smirnova D, Thibaut F. Psychoactive substance use, internet use and mental health changes during the COVID-19 lockdown in a French population: A study of gender effect. Frontiers in psychiatry / Frontiers Research Foundation. 2022;13:958988. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.958988 Q1

  • Dobrodeeva VS, Shnayder NA, Novitsky MA, et al. Association of a Single-Nucleotide Variant rs11100494 of the NPY5R Gene with Antipsychotic-Induced Metabolic Disorders. Pharmaceutics. Jan 18 2022;14(2) doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14020222 Q1-2

  • Vaiman EE, Shnayder NA, Khasanova AK, et al. Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism. Biomedicines. Aug 18 2022;10(8):2010. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10082010 Q1-2

  • Vaiman EE, Shnayder NA, Zhuravlev NM, et al. Genetic Biomarkers of Antipsychotic-Induced Prolongation of the QT Interval in Patients with Schizophrenia. Int J Mol Sci. Dec 13 2022;23(24):15786. doi: 10.3390/ijms232415786 Q1-2

  • Nasyrova RF, Khasanova AK, Altynbekov KS, et al. The Role of D-Serine and D-Aspartate in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Nutrients. Dec 2 2022;14(23):5142. doi: 10.3390/nu14235142 Q1-2

  • Shnayder NA, Novitsky MA, Neznanov NG, et al. Genetic Predisposition to Schizophrenia and Depressive Disorder Comorbidity. Genes (Basel). Mar 2 2022;13(3) doi: 10.3390/genes13030457 Q1

  • Shnayder NA, Khasanova AK, Strelnik AI, et al. Cytokine imbalance as a biomarker of treatment-resistant schizophrenia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022;23(19):11324. doi: 10.3390/ijms231911324 Q1

  • Abramova O, Soloveva K, Zorkina Y, et al. Suicide-Related Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, rs4918918 and rs10903034: Association with Dementia in Older Adults. Genes (Basel). Nov 21 2022;13(11) doi: 10.3390/genes13112174 Q1

  • Iftene F, Milev R, Farcas A, Squires S, Smirnova D and Fountoulakis KN (2022) COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Life Habits in the Canadian Population. Front. Psychiatry 13:871119. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.871119 Q1

  • Vrublevska J, Perepjolkina V, Martinsone K, Kolesnikova J, Krone I, Smirnova D, Fountoulakis KN and Rancans E (2022) Determinants of Anxiety in the General Latvian Population During the COVID-19 State of Emergency. Front. Public Health 10:854812. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.854812 Q1-2

  • Morgado P, Gonda X, Smirnova D and Fountoulakis KN (2022) Editorial: COVID-19 pandemic: Mental health, life habit changes and social phenomena. Front. Psychiatry 13:1105667. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1105667 Q1

  • Panfil AL, Lungeanu D, Tamasan S, et al. Suicidality Related to the COVID-19 Lockdown in Romania: Structural Equation Modeling. Frontiers in psychiatry / Frontiers Research Foundation. 2022;13:818712. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.818712 Q1

  • Razali S, Saw JA, Hashim NA, et al. Suicidal behaviour amid first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: Data from the COVID-19 mental health international (COMET-G) study. Frontiers in psychiatry / Frontiers Research Foundation. 2022;13:998888. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.998888 Q1

  • Vrublevska J, Perepjolkina V, Martinsone K, et al. Determinants of Anxiety in the General Latvian Population During the COVID-19 State of Emergency. Front Public Health. 2022;10:854812. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.854812 Q1 Scopus Q3-Q4

Scopus book chapters
Scopus Q3-Q4
  • Dobrodeeva V, Abdyrahmanova A, Astafeva D, et al. Pharmacogenetic Aspects of COVID-19 Management and Post-COVID-19 Depression Treatment with Fluvoxamine. Psychiatria Danubina. Sep 2022;34(Suppl 8):25-30.

  • Vaiman E, Gayduk A, Strelnik A, et al. Possible Clinical and Pharmacogenetic Predictors of the Efficacy and Safety of Carbamazepine in Post-COVID-19 Depression. Psychiatria Danubina. Sep 2022;34(Suppl 8):31-37.

  • Smirnova D, Syunyakov T, Pavlichenko A, et al. Anxiety, Depression and Suicidality in Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Russian Study Sample of the COMET-G Project. Psychiatria Danubina. Sep 2022;34(Suppl 8):246-255.

  • Germanova O, Smirnova D, Usenova A, Tavormina G, Cumming P, Galati G. Cryptogenic Stroke In The Context of Pandemic-Related Stress: The Role of Arterial Hemodynamics. Psychiatria Danubina. Sep 2022;34(Suppl 8):256-261.

  • Razali S, Tukhvatullina D, Hashim NA, et al. Sociodemographic Factors of Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia: the COVID-19 Mental Health International Study. East Asian Arch Psychiatry. Dec 2022;32(4):82-88. doi:10.12809/eaap2204

  • Elek LP, Vadon NB, Sutori S, et al. Association between change in suicidal ideation, and distinct symptoms of depression and sleep changes during COVID-19. Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology. 2022;24(3):134-143.

  • Elek LP, Szigeti M, Erdelyi-Hamza B, Smirnova D, Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X. What you see is what you get? Association of belief in conspiracy theories and mental health during COVID-19. Neuropsychopharmacol Hung. 2022;24:42-55.

  • Yashikhina A, Romanov D, Strelnik S, et al. Non-Psychiatrist Healthcare Professionals? Attitudes Toward Patients with Mental Disorders: Lower Scores in Social Distance as a Fragile Facet of Public Stigma Against Depression. Psychiatria Danubina. 2022;34(Suppl 8):238-245.

  • Гайдук АЯ, Камминг П, Черникова ВВ, Власов ЯВ, Смирнова ДА. Комплексная нейропсихиатрическая и лабораторно-инструментальная диагностика в определении тактики терапевтического ведения пациентов со спинальной мышечной атрофией: региональный опыт. Российский медико-биологический вестник имени академика ИП Павлова. 2022;30(3):323-334.

  • Гайдук А.Я., Власов Я.В., Смирнова Д.А. Применение современных технологий в программах ранней диагностики орфанных болезней в России и за рубежом. Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2022;122(6):30–39. doi: 10.17116/jnevro202212206130

  • Zorkina Y, Syunyakov T, Abramova O, et al. Positive Effect of Cognitive Training in Older Adults with Different APOE Genotypes and COVID-19 History: A 1-Year Follow-Up Cohort Study. Diagnostics (Basel). Sep 25 2022;12(10):2312. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12102312

  • Карпенко ОА, Сюняков ТС, Осипова НГ, Савилов ВБ, Курмышев МВ, Костюк ГП. Исследование факторов тревоги и депрессии у лиц c мягким когнитивным снижением в условиях пандемии COVID-19. Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 2022;77(2):107-118.

  • Yakovleva KD, Dmitrenko DV, Panina IS, et al. Expression Profile of miRs in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Systematic Review. Int J Mol Sci. Jan 16 2022;23(2) doi: 10.3390/ijms23020951

  • Gayduk AJ, Shishkovskaia TI, Cumming P, et al. Association between Neuropathic Pain and Depression: Focusing on the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation As a Promising Treatment Approach. Psychiatria Danubina. 2022;34(Suppl 8):105-111.

  • Al-Zamil M, Minenko IA, Kulikova NG, et al. Clinical Experience of High Frequency and Low Frequency TENS in Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathic Pain in Russia. Healthcare (Basel). Jan 28 2022;10(2) doi: 10.3390/healthcare10020250

  • Strelnik A, Strelnik S, Markina E, Zakharov A, Kolsanov A, Smirnova D. The Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Depression: A Systematic Review. Psychiatria Danubina. Sep 2022;34(Suppl 8):179-188.

  • Shishkovskaia TI, Gayduk AJ, Smirnova D. Does TMS Influence Verbal Function and Treat the Language Decline in Schizophrenia? Finding Answers via Systematic Review of Current Research. Psychiatria Danubina. 2022;34(Suppl 8):170-178.

  • Astafeva D, Kolsanov A, Chaplygin S, et al. The Efficacy of Mobile Phone-Based Interventions for the Treatment of Depression: A Systematic Meta-Review of Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials. Psychiatria Danubina. Sep 2022;34(Suppl 8):155-163.

  • Borisova N, Moore N, Mahalingappa SS, et al. Virtual Reality-Based Interventions for Treating Depression in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: Inducing the Proficit in Positive Emotions as a Key Concept of Recovery and a Path Back to Normality. Psychiatria Danubina. 2022;34(Suppl 8):276-284.

  • Vadon, N. B., Sutori, S., Elek, L. P., Erdelyi-Hamza, B., Fountoulakis, K. N., Smirnova, D., & Gonda, X. (2022). Effects of depressive symptoms and changes in mental health-relevant lifestyle factors on suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neuroscience Applied, 1, 100784. doi: 10.1016/j.nsa.2022.100784

  • Vadon, N. B., Sutori, S., Elek, L. P., Erdelyi-Hamza, B., Fountoulakis, K. N., Smirnova, D., & Gonda, X. (2022). Effect of belief in pandemic-related conspiracy theories and depressive symptom clusters on changes in religiousness and spirituality during COVID-19. Neuroscience Applied, 1, 100819. doi: 10.1016/j.nsa.2022.100819

  • Elek, L. P., Szigeti, M., Erdelyi-Hamza, B., Vadon, N. B., Fountoulakis, K. N., Smirnova, D., & Gonda, X. (2022). Association of lifestyle changes during the pandemic are associated depression and its distinct symptom clusters – consideration for prevention and intervention. Neuroscience Applied, 1, 100818. doi: 10.1016/j.nsa.2022.100818

  • Сюняков Т.С., Гайдук А.Я., Павличенко А.В., Морозов П.В., Шейфер М.С., Насырова Р.Ф., Измайлова О.В., Федотов И.А., Филатова В.В., Игнатенко Ю.А., Спикина А.А., Яшихина А.А., Патсали М., Фунтулакис К., Смирнова Д.А. Прирост показателей суицидальности (суицидальных мыслей) в российской популяции и ассоциированные с ним факторы риска в период применения мер социальной изоляции, связанной с пандемией COVID-19, в мае 2020 года. Вестник медицинского института «РЕАВИЗ» (РеАБИЛИТАЦИЯ, ВРАЧ И ЗДОРОВЬЕ) Том XII, № 5 (59). ISSN 2226-762X (Print), ISSN 2782-1579 (Online)


Scopus Q1-Q2
  • Fountoulakis, K.N., Dragioti, E., Wikilund, T., Atmatzidis, X., Nimatoudis, I., Thys, E., Wampers, M., Hranov, L., Hristova, T., Aptalidis, D., Milev, R., Iftene, F., Spaniel, F., Knytl, P., Furstova, P., From, T., Karlsson, H., Walta, M., Salokangas, R.K.R., Azorin, J.-M., Bouniard, J., Montant, J., Juckel, G., Haussleiter, I.S., Douzenis, A., Smyrnis, N., Mantonakis, L., Nemes, Z., Gonda, X., Vajda, D., Juhasz, A., Shrivastava, A., Waddington, J., Pompili, M., Comparelli, A., Corigliano, V., Rancans, E., Navickas, A., Hilbig, J., Bukelskis, L., Stevovic, L.I., Vodopic, S., Esan, O., Oladele, O., Osunbote, C., Rybakowski, J.K., Wojciak, P., Domowicz, K., Figueira, M.L., Linhares, L., Crawford, J., Panfil, A.-L., Smirnova, D., Izmailova, O., Lecic-Tosevski, D., Temmingh, H., Howells, F., Bobes, J., Paz Garcia-Portilla M., García-Alvarez, L., Erzin, G., Karadağ, H., De Sousa, A., Bendre, A., Hosch, C., Bredicean, C., Papava, I., Vukovic, O., Pejuskovic, B., Russell, V., Athanasiadis, L., Konsta, A., Stein, D., Berk, M., Dean, O., Tandon, R., Kasper, S., De Hert, M. (2020) Modeling the psychological function in patients with Schizophrenia with the use of PANSS: An international multi-center study. CNS Spectrums. 2021, 26(3), pp. 290–298. doi: 10.1017/S1092852920001091 Q2

  • Vrublevska, J., Sibalova, A., Aleskere, I., Rezgale, B., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K.N. & Rancans, E. (2021) Factors related to depression, distress, and self-reported changes in anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts during the COVID-19 state of emergency in Latvia, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, doi: 10.1080/08039488.2021.1919200 Q2

  • Šuriņa, S., Perepjolkina, V., Martinsone, K., Vainik, U., Ruža, A., Vrublevska, J., Smirnova, D., Rancans, E., Kolesnikova, J., and Fountoulakis, K.N. (2021) Factors related to COVID-19 preventive behaviors: A Structural Equation Model. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.676521 Q2

  • Kopishinskaia, S., Cumming, P., Karpukhina, S., Velichko, I., Raskulova, G., Zheksembaeva, N., Tlemisova, D., Morozov, P., Fountoulakis, K.N., Smirnova, D. (2021) Association between COVID-19 and catatonia manifestation in two adolescents in Central Asia: Incidental findings or cause for alarm? Asian J Psychiatr. 2021: Jul 10;63:102761. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102761. Q2

  • Fountoulakis KN, Karakatsoulis G, Abraham S, Adorjan K, Ahmed HU, Alarcón RD, Arai K, Auwal SS, Berk M, Bjedov S, Bobes J, Bobes-Bascaran T, Bourgin-Duchesnay J, Bredicean CA, Bukelskis L, Burkadze A, Abud IIC, Castilla-Puentes R, Cetkovich M, Colon-Rivera H, Corral R, Cortez-Vergara C, Crepin P, De Berardis D, Zamora Delgado S, De Lucena D, De Sousa A, Stefano RD, Dodd S, Elek LP, Elissa A, Erdelyi-Hamza B, Erzin G, Etchevers MJ, Falkai P, Farcas A, Fedotov I, Filatova V, Fountoulakis NK, Frankova I, Franza F, Frias P, Galako T, Garay CJ, Garcia-Álvarez L, García-Portilla MP, Gonda X, Gondek TM, González DM, Gould H, Grandinetti P, Grau A, Groudeva V, Hagin M, Harada T, Hasan TM, Hashim NA, Hilbig J, Hossain S, Iakimova R, Ibrahim M, Iftene F, Ignatenko Y, Irarrazaval M, Ismail Z, Ismayilova J, Jakobs A, Jakovljević M, Jakšić N, Javed A, Kafali HY, Karia S, Kazakova O, Khalifa D, Khaustova O, Koh S, Kopishinskaia S, Kosenko K, Koupidis SA, Kovacs I, Kulig B, Lalljee A, Liewig J, Majid A, Malashonkova E, Malik K, Malik NI, Mammadzada G, Mandalia B, Marazziti D, Marčinko D, Martinez S, Matiekus E, Mejia G, Memon RS, Martínez XEM, Mickevičiūtė D, Milev R, Mohammed M, Molina-López A, Morozov P, Muhammad NS, Mustač F, Naor MS, Nassieb A, Navickas A, Okasha T, Pandova M, Panfil AL, Panteleeva L, Papava I, Patsali ME, Pavlichenko A, Pejuskovic B, Pinto Da Costa M, Popkov M, Popovic D, Raduan NJN, Ramírez FV, Rancans E, Razali S, Rebok F, Rewekant A, Flores ENR, Rivera-Encinas MT, Saiz P, de Carmona MS, Martínez DS, Saw JA, Saygili G, Schneidereit P, Shah B, Shirasaka T, Silagadze K, Sitanggang S, Skugarevsky O, Spikina A, Mahalingappa SS, Stoyanova M, Szczegielniak A, Tamasan SC, Tavormina G, Tavormina MGM, Theodorakis PN, Tohen M, Tsapakis EM, Tukhvatullina D, Ullah I, Vaidya R, Vega-Dienstmaier JM, Vrublevska J, Vukovic O, Vysotska O, Widiasih N, Yashikhina A, Prezerakos PE, Smirnova D. (2021) Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2021 Oct 15;54:21-40. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.10.004. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34758422. Q1

  • Fountoulakis KN, Dragioti E, Theofilidis AT, Wiklund T, Atmatzidis X, Nimatoudis I, Thys E, Wampers M, Hranov L, Hristova T, Aptalidis D, Milev R, Iftene F, Spaniel F, Knytl P, Furstova P, From T, Karlsson H, Walta M, Salokangas RKR, Azorin JM, Bouniard J, Montant J, Juckel G, Haussleiter IS, Douzenis A, Michopoulos I, Ferentinos P, Smyrnis N, Mantonakis L, Nemes Z, Gonda X, Vajda D, Juhasz A, Shrivastava A, Waddington J, Pompili M, Comparelli A, Corigliano V, Rancans E, Navickas A, Hilbig J, Bukelskis L, Stevovic LI, Vodopic S, Esan O, Oladele O, Osunbote C, Rybakowski JK, Wojciak P, Domowicz K, Figueira ML, Linhares L, Crawford J, Panfil AL, Smirnova D, Izmailova O, Lecic-Tosevski D, Temmingh H, Howells F, Bobes J, Garcia-Portilla MP, García-Alvarez L, Erzin G, Karadağ H, De Sousa A, Bendre A, Hoschl C, Bredicean C, Papava I, Vukovic O, Pejuskovic B, Russell V, Athanasiadis L, Konsta A, Fountoulakis NK, Stein D, Berk M, Dean O, Tandon R, Kasper S, De Hert M. Gender, age at onset, and duration of being ill as predictors for the long-term course and outcome of schizophrenia: an international multicenter study. CNS Spectr. 2021 Aug 9:1-8. doi: 10.1017/S1092852921000742. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34369340. Q2

Scopus Q3-Q4
  • Smirnova, D., Abbass, Z., Argomedo-Ramos, G., Ojeahere, M.I., Jaguga, F., Mazereel, V., Alexandru, G.S., Handuleh, J.L.M., Essam, L., Negendrappa, S., Jatchavala, C., Vadivel, R., Lee, W., Pereira-Sanchez, V. (2021) Global COVID-19 vaccination rollout: perspectives from early carreer psychiatrists. Global Mental Health and Psychiatry Review, Vol. 2 No. 2, Spring/Summer 2021, pp. 13-14.
  • Smirnova D., Syunyakov, T., Pavlichenko, A., Bragin, D., Fedotov, I., Filatova, V., Ignatenko, Y., Kuvshinova, N., Prokopenko, E., Romanov, D., Spikina, A., Yashikhina, A., Morozov, P. & Fountoulakis, K.N. (2021) Interactions between anxiety levels and life habits changes in general population during the pandemic lockdown: decreased physical activity, falling asleep late and internet browsing about COVID-19 are risk factors for anxiety, whereas social media is not. Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol.33, Suppl. 9, S. 119-129. PMID: 34559790. Q3

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  • Vrublevska, J., Sibalova, A., Aleskere, I., Rezgale, B., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K.N. & Rancans, E. (2021) Depression, distress and their association with patterns of psychoactive substance use during the COVID-19 emergency state in Latvia. European Psychiatry, Vol. 64, Suppl. April 2021, S. 294-295. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.7