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9th Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance

Dear Colleagues!

Join our Bipolar Disorder & Mixity Phenomenon Session on March 9th’2024 – together with wonderful Italian team of speakers Prof. Giuseppe Tavormina, Prof. Francesco Franza, Prof. Patrizia Moretti & non-Italian Daria Smirnova
at the ICNP 2024
9th Congress of Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology & Treatment Guidance

Prof. Konstantinos Fountoulakis, ICNP 2024 President is emphasizing: “During these difficult circumstances for the world, advanced education and training is the only way to the future. Novel and advanced technologies and approaches are emerging. Teaching clinical usefulness and application of new knowledge and informed treatment with psychopharmacological agents in a truly multidisciplinary approach will be the central axis of the meeting and although the congress will embrace high tech research concerning psychopathology, new treatment methods, genetics and molecular biology, it also aims on putting the emphasis on the human factor, both the therapist and the patient,” – with gratitude to all the Organizing Committee staff and amazing Speakers.