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Multifaceted Targets in Treatments of Mental and Behavioral Disorders: Important-to-Know Topics of Current Neuropsychiatry

Dear friends,
you are welcome to join the upcoming Webinar taken place this Friday – on MARCH 31st’ 2023.

The 2-hour Webinar is supervised by our dear mentor Prof. Kostas Fountoulakis Konstantinos Fountoulakis for MS in Clinical Mental Health & all professionals interested, and kindly arranged by perfect Letstudy partners Giorgos Psathas, as well as ICERN colleagues.
Rare and important topics of current psychiatry will be presented by our five distinguished Professors Xenia Gonda, Avinash Desousa, Paul Cumming, Florence Thibaut & Alexey Pavlichenko.
The hosts are looking forward to provide an excellent opportunity for the audience to ask questions from the experts on-live.
See the topics at the poster/flyer.
Moderators: Jelena Vrublevska & Daria Smirnova

The link for free registration is presented here below: