Данный сайт прекратил свою работу и переходит в состояние архива, как результат работы команды за период 2021-2024 гг. Новые веб-ресурсы команды с 2025 г.: imh-uni.org и iampsyresearch.org
This website has been discontinued, and presents the archived material of team work during the period of 2021-2024. Follow new websites for the team work updates: imh-uni.org and iampsyresearch.org
Thought, language and communication disorder as the endophenotype of schizophrenia: about deficits of verbs and actions in detail, Daria Smirnova – Conference “Languages of Psychiatry”, February 19th 2022
Thought, language and communication disorder as the endophenotype of schizophrenia: about deficits of verbs and actions in detail, Daria Smirnova – Conference “Languages of Psychiatry”, February 19th 2022
International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry