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Данный сайт прекратил свою работу и переходит в состояние архива, как результат работы команды за период 2021-2024 гг.
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This website has been discontinued, and presents the archived material of team work during the period of 2021-2024.
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Meet the Expert N3

The Webinar continues the series of MSc Webinars – the online-ZOOM events for the clinicians and educators in the field of psychiatry.

The MSc Webinar is organized for mental health professionals by the Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences and Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, under the auspices of:

WPA 2020-23 Action Plan group on Evidence Based Psychopharmacology
WPA section on Evidence Based Psychiatry

The aim of these educational sessions is to provide a global and comprehensive update of the newest developments in neurobiology, psychopharmacology, treatment guidelines and personcentered care of mental disorders.

The strategic approach of the invited speakers is to avoid content-free eloquence and authority and to face hard questions on the base of research findings.