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Effective daily management of the Dementia patient, when the family is the therapeutic team

Juan Evangelista Tercero Gaitán Buitrago, Dr., Quindío, Columbia

Addiction specialist
Fellow in Dementia and Cognitive decline
Specialist in Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Member of the International scientific commitee – Argentinian society of Personality disorders and psychopaties
Member of the International Foundation for the development of neuroscience
Chair of the scientific commitee – Global Psychiatric Association
Member of the section on psychoneuroendocrinology – World Psychiatric Association
Member of the section on evidence based psychiatry – World Psychiatric Association
CEO Grupo T.E.C.

Effective daily management of the Dementia patient, when the family is the therapeutic team

The treatment of the patient suffering from dementia has been a complex clinical challenge, this presentation focuses on the topic of supplementing current interdisciplinary approaches with the addition of musical stimulation. This approach aims to facilitate the daily interaction of the patient and its caretakers, presenting it as a neurobiological, social and occupational intervention, by facilitating the activation of the default mode network, the social engagement of the patient and the promotion of physical wellbeing. The author gives an overview of the the different strategies of musical therapy, ranging from individual, group and familiar modes of treatment. Also presented is a successful case where music therapy helped an otherwise difficult dementia patient with severe behavioral disturbance.