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The Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome

Prof. Petr Morozov, MD, PhD, DMedSc (Psychiatry), Russia

Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Advanced Medical Studies, Russian
National Medical Research University n.a. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
Russian Society of Psychiatrists Vice-President
World Psychiatric Association General Secretary
Senior Advisor of the International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry (ICERN), Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

The Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome

Abstract This lecture discovers unique historical, clinical and prognostic issues of the Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome. Though the syndrome, its symptomatology and relation to schizophrenia are well known, many professionals are not familiar with its eponymic term. Clinical representations of the syndrome and its biological correlates are discussed through the prism of impressive historical retrospective.