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Greetings from the ICERN Web-Library of Neuropsychiatry Team

Greetings from the ICERN Web-Library of Neuropsychiatry Team (March 31st, 2021)

Dearest Professors, Colleagues, Researchers, Educators, Doctors, Students! = Dear Friends!

We are happy to welcome you at the first page of our Book chapter of the ICERN which describes the WEB-library of Neuropsychiatry.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Chancellor of Samara State Medical University Prof. Alexander Kolsanov, Vice-Chancellor on Science Prof. Igor Davydkin and Vice-Chancellor on Education Prof. Elena Avdeeva for full support of this important educational project.
This project aims its perspectives for bilingual, module and hybrid model education which is valuable today and will be definitely developed in the nearest future.
We believe that the audience of educators, researchers, doctors and students, at least, in the countries of our International team, will benefit from this educational content.
Every last Wednesday of the month, except July and August, we plan to invite two speakers, one Russian and one Foreign, who will deliver lectures on their field of expertise in psychiatry, neurology and applied neurosciences.
Our special thanks go to Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Kopishinskaia who is a brilliant neurologist and the main author of this idea.
We are honored to collaborate with our Faculty who represent WPA Section on Evidence based Psychiatry, Program MSc on Clinical Mental Health AUTh, Department of Neurology of Kirov State Medical University, First Genetics Lab Skolkovo from Moscow, Russia, Centre of Psychiatric Studies, Italy and Association of University Teachers of Psychiatry from UK.
Gratitude to all members of our Organizing Committee!
It’s our pleasure to read this first page today together with you all and introduce Professors who support the project together with our International team – ICERN, SamSMU. Join us!

On behalf of the team, Daria Smirnova, MD, PhD (Psychiatry), ICERN-Director Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia