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Author: superuser

18. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): a new era of mental health therapies

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): a new era of mental health therapies

Dr Theodoros Koutsomitros, Greece

Director & Founder of Greek rTMS clinic – Medical Psychotherapeutic Centre (ΙΨΚ)
Clinical Director of Education – ΙΨΚ Institute of Psychotherapy, Thessaloniki, Greece
PhD Cognitive Neuroscience Department, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): a new era of mental health therapies

Current lecture provides the basic information about one of the most promising rTMS methods used for treatments of mental and CNS disorders. Various issues of TMS-procedure and its technical mechanisms via producing magnetic pulses as the efficacious treatment approach, and the most elaborated /frequently applied therapeutic protocols, such as 3’-37’/sessions, are discussed. The advantages of rTMS treatment, such as its painless character, no requirements for anaesthesia, and the absence of severe side effects, as well as the opportunity of combined use along with pharmaceutical medications, are explained. The studies which prove the efficacy of rTMS and approved clinical recommendations for its use in treatment of depression, comorbid anxiety, OCD, addictions in Australia, America & Europe, are presented.

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31 March 2023. Multifaceted Targets in Treatments of Mental and Behavioral Disorders: Important-to-Know Topics of Current Neuropsychiatry

Multifaceted Targets in Treatments of Mental and Behavioral Disorders: Important-to-Know Topics of Current Neuropsychiatry

Dear friends,
you are welcome to join the upcoming Webinar taken place this Friday – on MARCH 31st’ 2023.

The 2-hour Webinar is supervised by our dear mentor Prof. Kostas Fountoulakis Konstantinos Fountoulakis for MS in Clinical Mental Health & all professionals interested, and kindly arranged by perfect Letstudy partners Giorgos Psathas, as well as ICERN colleagues.
Rare and important topics of current psychiatry will be presented by our five distinguished Professors Xenia Gonda, Avinash Desousa, Paul Cumming, Florence Thibaut & Alexey Pavlichenko.
The hosts are looking forward to provide an excellent opportunity for the audience to ask questions from the experts on-live.
See the topics at the poster/flyer.
Moderators: Jelena Vrublevska & Daria Smirnova

The link for free registration is presented here below:

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30 March 2023. Конференция «Психотические расстройства: диалог науки и практики»

Конференция «Психотические расстройства: диалог науки и практики»

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в межрегиональной онлайн конференции «Психотические расстройства: диалог науки и практики», которая состоится 30 и 31 марта 2023 г. на веб платформе WEBINAR.RU.

Данное мероприятие нацелено на всестороннее освещение психотических расстройств, включая шизофрению, во всем их клиническом разнообразии. Оно построено по модульному принципу, в основу которого положен прототип клинической ситуации с последовательным рассмотрением современных научных взглядов на вопрос и клинической ситуации. Слушатели научатся лучше распознавать различные клинические ситуации у пациентов с психотическими расстройствами, включая шизофрению и ассоциированные расстройства. Приведенный материал позволит сформировать адекватные и реалистичные ожидания от психофармакотерапии этих пациентов.

Программа конференции

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17. A bitter pill to swallow? Affective temperaments are possible predictors of treatment non-adherence

A bitter pill to swallow? Affective temperaments are possible predictors of treatment non-adherence: results of a meta-analysis

Prof. Xenia Gonda, MA (Psychology), PhD (Psychiatry), PharmD, Hungary

Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
International Centre for Education and Research, Samara State Medical University, Russia

A bitter pill to swallow? Affective temperaments are possible predictors of treatment non-adherence: results of a meta-analysis

Therapeutic adherence especially in chronic somatic and psychiatric disorders requiring long term or continuous maintenance therapy is pivotal to controlling the symptoms and preventing recurrence, influencing illness course and outcome. Finding and selecting an efficacious pharmacological treatment is thus only one component of the therapeutic success, while the other, equally important and equally challenging, is the active participation of the patient in the form of adhering to medical recommendations.
Several psychological factors may play a central role in influencing therapeutic adherence via their effect on related emotions, cognitions and behavior. One such psychological construct is the model of affective temperaments which have previously been investigated in a small number of methodologically questionable studies. As these studies reported promising results concerning the predictive efficacy of affective temperaments we carried out a systematic review and metaanalysed the resulting 9 studies. We found strong, adverse associations of cyclothymic, irritable, and depressive affective temperament scores with medication adherence suggesting that these temperamental types may predict decreased adherence and thus treatment outcome, and in the clinical practice may contribute to identifying groups at a high risk for non-adherence, help predict success of treatment, and also help devise personalized treatment plans. In the next step we need to depend our understanding on what mediates the effects of affective temperaments on treatment adherence and how these factors can be influenced by different intervention levels from education through support to psychotherapy, and we also need to find further processes related to the core of personality and understand how they, in constellation, influence medication-related attitudes, beliefs, cognitions, emotions and behaviors.

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13 March 2023. Adventurous and Impulsive, but Above All Vulnerable – ADHD in Women

Adventurous and Impulsive, but Above All Vulnerable – ADHD in Women

Monday 13 March 2023 – 13.00 – 14.00 CEST

The webinar will be presented at 13.00 – 14.00 CEST. This corresponds to the following times from which you may determine your own time zone on Monday 13 March 2023:

  • London, UK – 12:00 – 13:00 BST
  • Paris, France – 13:00 – 14:00 CEST
  • Bangalore, India – 17.30 – 18:30 IST
  • New York, US – 9:.00 – 10:00 EDT
  • Chicago, US – 8:00 – 9:00 CDT 

* Note: US clocks move ahead the previous weekend, earlier than the rest of the world

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 831 8737 5647

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16. Effective daily management of the Dementia patient, when the family is the therapeutic team

Effective daily management of the Dementia patient, when the family is the therapeutic team

Juan Evangelista Tercero Gaitán Buitrago, Dr., Quindío, Columbia

Addiction specialist
Fellow in Dementia and Cognitive decline
Specialist in Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Member of the International scientific commitee – Argentinian society of Personality disorders and psychopaties
Member of the International Foundation for the development of neuroscience
Chair of the scientific commitee – Global Psychiatric Association
Member of the section on psychoneuroendocrinology – World Psychiatric Association
Member of the section on evidence based psychiatry – World Psychiatric Association
CEO Grupo T.E.C.

Effective daily management of the Dementia patient, when the family is the therapeutic team

The treatment of the patient suffering from dementia has been a complex clinical challenge, this presentation focuses on the topic of supplementing current interdisciplinary approaches with the addition of musical stimulation. This approach aims to facilitate the daily interaction of the patient and its caretakers, presenting it as a neurobiological, social and occupational intervention, by facilitating the activation of the default mode network, the social engagement of the patient and the promotion of physical wellbeing. The author gives an overview of the the different strategies of musical therapy, ranging from individual, group and familiar modes of treatment. Also presented is a successful case where music therapy helped an otherwise difficult dementia patient with severe behavioral disturbance.

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