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Данный сайт прекратил свою работу и переходит в состояние архива, как результат работы команды за период 2021-2024 гг.
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This website has been discontinued, and presents the archived material of team work during the period of 2021-2024.
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Our Mission

  • High standards of research and academic education in neuropsychiatry, focusing on the evidence-based, individualised approaches and well-balanced promotion of innovative biotechnologies into the key treatment strategies of mental, behavioural and neurological disorders.

  • Integration and advancement of basic and clinical neurosciences for better quality of competencies and skills of modern professionals in the field of neuropsychiatry and better quality of care for mental, behavioural and neurological disorders.
  • International initiatives of collaboration aimed at enhancing the framework of professional mentorship and establishing an encouraging professional milieu, which pave the pathway for scientific breakthroughs by Russian researchers into a supportive worldwide academic community, endorsing the human rights based principle of an “Academy without Borders”.

Our Goals

  • Goal 1. To develop an effective team of collaborators, with human resources as a key priority.

    Growing our network of collaboration worldwide in the manner of cultivating connections within healthy brain neuronetworks.

  • Goal 2. To speak a common scientific idiom, through mutual agreements on the formulation of hypotheses, scientific ethics and obtaining evidence-based expertise.

    Dialogue between basic and clinical neurosciences leading towards reliable treatment strategies and better treatment outcomes.

  • Goal 3. To manage meaningful projects in the domains of research & development, up-to-date paradigm of academic education, and clinical guidelines in neuropsychiatry, incorporating innovative technologies.

    Teamwork focusing on research achievements, professional education, and improved quality of life of patients.


  • Hybrid & Russian/English bilingual format.
  • Professional events, certified CME courses, and on-line ICERN WEB-library of neuropsychiatry.
  • Development of the MSc programme in Clinical Neurosciences (international & national matched standards).


  • Research projects.
  • National and international grants.
  • Peer-review publications.

Clinical Practice

  • Person-centered and evidence-based approach.
  • Individualised treatment strategies.
  • Innovative technologies.

Our Field of Expertise

  • Epidemiology of mental disorders, stress-related environmental conditions, stress at work place, public health, mental health services, vulnerable population groups, children & adolescent mental health, Memory clinics and psychogeriatric services.
  • Women’s mental health, prevention of violence against women, and mental health in immigrant populations.
  • On-line calculators in early diagnosis of mental health disturbances (i.e. mixed affective states, depression, suicidality risk, anxiety, burnout).
  • Neuronetworks in remote recognition of affective disorders (depressions) via discovering facial mimic and speech patterns based on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) approach.
  • Mental health, social and psychological well-being of the population during COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns and in the context of vulnerable populations (general population, old age people, students, children and adolescents, patients with cardiovascular disorders, health professionals, etc.).
  • COVID-19-associated psychiatric and neurological complications (outpatients, in-patients with severe illness in COVID-hospitals, rare clinical cases, COVID-associated olfactory disorders).
  • Evidence-based and person-centered individualized psychoharmacotherapy of mental disorders.
  • Biotechnology and cell culture-based prediction test-systems, genetic and psychoneuroimmunological biomarkers of mental and behavioral disorders, psychopharmacogenetics and clinical trials of novel molecules in neuropsychiatry.
  • Virtual/Augmented reality (VR/AR) devices accompanied with biofeedback techniques as evidence-based novel approaches to treatment and interdisciplinary psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with mental, behavioural and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol use disorder, burnout phenomenon, etc.).
  • Thought, language and communication disorder and social disadjustment in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (i.e. cognitive endophenotypes of schizophrenia, and studies of patients and first-degree relatives).
  • Hereditary neurodegenerative diseases (Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, orphan neurological diseases).
  • Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics of socially significant mental disorders (depression, schizophrenia, dementia, etc.).
  • Motor dysfunction, verbal fluency decline, disrupted embodied cognition, neurocognitive decline, social and emotional intelligence, and negative symptoms in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
  • Intensive action language treatment (cognitive/language remediation techniques) in mental and neurological disorders.


  • Clinical interview & Semi-structured Interviews (i.e., Diagnostic Interview for Psychoses – DIP).
  • Pathopsychological examination & Rating scales assessments.
  • Psycholinguistic method (i.e. NLP, content analysis, narrative analysis, Neuronetworks, action-language approach).
  • Patients’ creative art (i.e. painting, performing, dancing).
  • Implementation of advanced technologies, equipments and devices into diagnostic and treatment strategies:

    • Brain imaging (i.e., data analysis of MRI, fMRI, PET, CT).
    • Neurophysiology & physiology (i.e., EEG, EMG, eye-tracking, pulse monitoring, breath sensors, thermography cameras).
    • Novel treatment approaches (i.e., rTMS using individual MRI-navigation system, VR/AR – ReViSide, REviCovery, ReviBalance, ReviStore/IMMERSE devices, daylight therapy, RunWalkTalk project, advanced approaches to verbal psychotherapy and psychosocial rehabilitation).