Timur Syunyakov, MD, PhD (Psychiatry), Russia
International Centre for Education and Research in Neuropsychiatry, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
Chief Coordinator on Statistical Data Analysis
Mental Health Clinic No. 1 n.a. N.A. Alexeev of Moscow Healthcare Department
Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology, Senior researcher, Moscow, Russia
Mechanisms of anxiety and contemporary treatment of anxiety disorders
In the 11th version of International Classification of Diseases a classification of anxiety disorders was revised. A new views seems to better reflect biological underpinnings of specific anxiety disorders and explain phenomenological heterogeneity of their signs, symptoms and comorbidity. In this lecture we overview those mechanisms in terms of better understanding of targets of psychopharmacoltherapy. This information may help in rational choice of treatment and in providing of psychoeducation to the patients with anxiety disorders.